Diary of a Targeted Individual

March 29th, 2018

The covert harassment has increased. Dog walkers esp. They like to aggravate my two small dogs). My two dogs usually start barking and I get anxious. This makes the harassers very happy. I’ve seen them unable to contain their joy at getting a reaction from my dogs and I.

The vile slime ball in the Oval Office is prime cut for these stasis, Nazi tactics. I don’t think most people know he and others plan on taking our country from us, abolishing our constitution and killing we citizens. I speculate these things due to the poisoning of our air, water, food and land and how our police are shooting people (mostly young black men) dead in the street, perpetuating destruction of earths ecosystem, and blatant attack on civil and human rights as a whole. It’s pretty obvious our lives are not a priority to him and his ilk. The covert harassment, stalking, gas-lighting, break-ins, smear campaigns as well as other more egregious acts work very well. Turns out, citizens would rather believe someone is making it all up, seeing things or just bat shit crazy  before they want to believe they actually don’t have a clue as to what is really going on. It’s sad. Those that swear by their god, government or mentality that these terroristic tactics are not real covet their ego so desperately rather than risk learning.  Oh well, maybe the next generation will have more courage than we, their pitiful elders do.

January 22, 2015

Male perp (Dana) from upstairs appears outside aprx. 8:15pm as soon as I take my dog outside. This time glares at me as I make it into my unit. Quite different from the stomping session last night that shook the lighting fixture attached to the ceiling.

January 17th, 2015

At aprx 11am I went to the mailbox towards the end of the driveway to get the mail and on my way back into my unit, the male perp from front upstairs threatened me by saying “you’re lucky”. This was not in the “you won the power-ball” lucky or the envious/jealous lucky, this was the I am going to harm you but you got by me today, “you’re lucky”. As usual, I did not respond.

On January 2, 2015

On January 2nd, 2015 I was accosted verbally a perp who lives next door that I’ve not met. This neighbor does not share the building I live in but resides in the house to our immediate right (if facing our property from the front). As I was returning from an outing with my dog, this neighbor pulled up in his driveway, got out of the car and started screaming at me. Now, I have not ever had a conversation or run-in with this neighbor. Standing at my door I asked “Pardon me?” He then screamed again, only louder and with obscenities, stating “Is your dog shitting on my property?” He pointed to the post of his mailbox where it came out of the ground. After trying to look past the harassing nature this perp attacked me in, I stated ” She goes over there”, and pointed across the street (there is a small piece of land and a gully), My dog refuses to go to the bathroom anywhere else. (except when out on an outing away from home) then I asked him not to talk to me that way and I wished him a happy new year. Finally he acknowledged my denial and proclaimed to me “I’m a grown man”. I thought this odd not just because It was obvious this person was an adult male but because he required to state to me (someone who he has not met) to proclaim and convince to the ether’s, that he, indeed, was an adult male. Go figure.

Again With The Cutting: I have had my blanket, my jacket as well as other misc. items either cut or damaged in some way.

cut one in blanket

cut two in blanket





cut jacket

Jacket cut c







October 12th, 2013

This afternoon Saturday, October 12th, 2013, at approximately 12:45pm I went to my car to run to the store. As I approached my car I saw that someone had spat all over my driver side window. It is rather timely as I had spent an hour cleaning the windows of my vehicle yesterday. Is this the first occurrence? No, still, today I do start this diary. A diary of a targeted individual. Boo.

December 4th, 2013

The following garments were all without flaws when I left them. My clothes and shoes have been cut and bleached. I have already gotten rid of eight t-shirts (not pictured here) that were cut and / or bleached. My jeans have been cut in the crotch (the perps seem to have a fetish with this). This is the final pair I kept to try and fix as I do not have the funds to keep up with the destruction of my wardrobe. My winter jacket as well as my boots have been cut as well. No, I do not live with a colony of moths, nor do I appreciate bleach splatter or drafty boots as fashion.

image jpg

March 7, 2014

When neighbors aren’t the neighboring kind

I am staying at a 3plex. The unit where I am staying has an Unlawful Residence posted to the door courtesy of Henn. Co., Minneapolis.There are two  units upstairs. Both of these units are occupied. Both of these neighbors are unfriendly to say the least. There are no pleasantries exchanged not even so much as a smile, should we pass ea. other by (which occasionally we do) they stomp around me in disgust and march off. Every week they place the garbage bins to the alley though none of them use them. How can that be you ask? Well I ask the same. Every week, the ONLY garbage in the bins are from the unit I stay in. Then, once a week, the city of Minneapolis empties them. There are several other people (not the residents) who come to the units upstairs to shovel, get mail and then leave. When the leave they, turn off all the lights, open the blinds of their giant picture windows (as well as the rest of the blinds) as if to tell any robber “come look, see, we are not home, come and take what you like”. Though these neighbors are all new (with in the last 4mo.), they look like average people yet their behavior is to the contrary. They are all from out of state (as were the previous tenants) are youngish and stand-offish. Since they’ve moved in internet is scarce to none, there are at least 15 connections on this private internet account. I’ve learned the male is a computer professional of some sort, this is disturbing particularly due to the fact we share the same internet connection per rental agreement. There are several discrepancies regarding security of our internet connection.

Unlawful Occupancy

This means any occupants shall be force-ably removed or arrested after Nov. 2012. This was posted aprx. 4 wks after tenant informed landlord I was staying here. There are aprx 11 to 12 housing or building statues listed here, all that supposedly the unit I am in, is in violation of, though previous tenant lived here for three years without this or any-other posted Notice. This noticed remained posted on the front door for the almost the entire two year lease agreement. Where the threat of being forcibly removed from the unit was present everyday yet, the landlord assured us on a monthly basis that there was no need for worry as he was working with the city on the matter.

January 13th, 2015

Although I have attempted to document (for my records) the harassment and torture on an almost daily basis, by perps, it has been almost a year since I’ve posted to my diary.

I have moved from the previous unit to another property in a different city and yet the perps torture continues. The male neighbor perp (Dana-female of the house is Patricia) in the front upstairs (during one our first conversations with him) asked if we’ve ever had our heads chopped off and then laughed.  Currently I have had my dogs leash cut (straight edge) and the perps brought her to my door (within a matter of minutes of me leaving to go to the bathroom) themselves. Other times I came out in the morning to find her leash cut during the night while we were sleeping. Yes, leash was in tact as I left it only to be cut (again, not chewed, but an obvious, straight edge cut).

I moved into a run downed triplex where there is one neighbor entrance in the back, one neighbor entrance in the front and then my entrance located in the front as well.

The neighbor perps who live in the front of the building I live in had recently informed us that they were Jehovah Wittiness’s. They stated that they knew all about my partner (due to the fact his mother was involved with the religion when he was a boy) and how his mother was excommunicated from the religion and that they wanted nothing to do with us. Yet, on at least five occasions the male perp of the household would knock on our door or ring the bell at all hours of the night asking for a cigarette or to use the phone or because he had supposedly locked himself out of his unit. I’ve personally witnessed him climbing on the roof of our unit to break into one of the units upstairs. All of this yet, he insisted on buying my son’s car. This was okay with me as I no longer wanted to drive it due to the unrelenting sabotage to it as I was the one who drove it, mostly. Soon after, they purchased the vehicle, the harassment intensified. Unknowing to me, at one point a hole appeared in a back passenger window of this car I just sold them (it was sold to them with this window already broken but taped together). As I returned from an outing with my dog, the front male neighbor perp accused me of vandalizing his (I thought he said windshield but, found out later he was talking about the already broken window on the rear passenger side) window.  Later I came to find out he was referring to, what looked like a punched hole in the middle of it. This accusation continued for some time then, I started video taping the harassment.

harasser stalking perp

 Last night as I took my dog out I was threatened by the same male neighbor perp (Dana) as in the photo’s above. As I appeared from my front door he was already outside. He started hollering “Hey!, Hey!, I’m talking to you!” and stating something I didn’t understand. Then he said “I got your number” (which is curious since I had recently rec’d a pornographic text in response to texting to a different number which was verified) and laughed hollering obscenities as he laughed. Now mind you, I have not engaged with these people since just after selling the car. The female perp of the house (Patricia) has more subtle way of harassing. She and her guests set off their car alarms as I pass by. Too, the other day, I was throwing trash away (happens to be positioned near stairs to their unit) and she lent over the railing and said something about my dog. I do my best to tune out most torture/harassment by them or anyone just to get by on a daily basis. I speculate that I’ve become sensitized to it – which is what I have learned, is part of the goal.

The perps that live in the back supposedly have two children (the male perp (PJ) of the house mentioned it when we first moved in 08/14) though I had not seen a child for the four months of living here. I have heard a child cry from upstairs as well as other noises, otherwise, and except for one time, I have not seen a child. Not outside playing or anything. I myself have raised three children. Children are seen and heard, period. I think of horrifying stories where neighbors comment on children who never come outside and the horrible circumstances that the children lived in, if they lived through it at all and I shutter. These neighbors in back are very scarce. I rarely (maybe once a month) see them coming or going). The cutting of the leash incidences have all but stopped after they realized I started recording the harassment.

On 11/09/14 at aprx. 4:15pm they appeared with one little girl across our yard, as they began to walk up their driveway to the back unit. At this time my dog was on her leash in the yard and I (as usual) was at the window monitoring her). My dog barked (she is not a yapping dog) and the male perp started marching steadfast towards her (as if to kick or harm her). He then noticed me in the window and immediately diverted his path. He, a woman, and the little girl disappeared up the driveway and into the back area of the property at aprx. 4:25pm. I then left the window to use the bathroom.  As I returned to the window at aprx. 4:30pm my doorbell rang. It was the male neighbor perp who shortly before, threatened my dog. There he was, at my door, with my dog in his hands. My dog was lying on the ground cowering as if she had been abused. I thanked him (as he stated she had gotten lose), brought my dog in the house. Then aprx 4: 40pm I went out side to put her out on her lease again and start video taping and found my dogs leash cut, yet again (as the neighbors in front had partaken in ringing my door bell with my dog in their hands stating that she had gotten lose, as well).

After video taping my dog outside for lengthy periods of time under several circumstances when the neighbors weren’t around or at least did not show themselves my dog did not chew, attempt to chew or gnaw (or any-other related activity) on her leash. In fact, she has not ever gotten “lose” at all save for the supposed occurrences by the stalker perps. and listed above. Since I’ve started video/pics, not once has my dog “gotten lose”.